Core Document list for Planning appeal Ref:

APP/J1915/W/24/3340497 – Land East of the A10, Buntingford, Hertfordshire, SG9 9SQ

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Please click on topic to open individual documents:

  • Application Documents and Plans
  • Additional or Amended Documents of Plans on which the Council reach its decision
  • Committee Report and Decision Notice
  • The Development Plan
  • Other Material Considerations
  • Emerging Development Plan
  • Relevant Appeal Decisions
  • Relevant Judgements
  • Consultee Responses
  • Appelant's Appeal Documents
  • East Herts District Council's Appeal Documents
  • Herts County Council Appeal Documents
  • Inspector's Appeal Documents
  • Other Appeal Documents
  • Landscape Documents
  • Highways Documents
  • Five Year Housing Land Supply Documents
  • Urban Design Documents
  • Documents Received During the Inquiry
  • Other Documents

    CD1. Application Documents and Plans

    CD 1.1 Application Form.pdf (PDF, 629kb)

    CD 1.2 Planning Statement and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 2.7mb)

    CD 1.3 Covering Letter.pdf (PDF, 212kb)

    CD1.4 Economic Impact Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 815kb)

    CD1.5 Employment Needs Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 2.3mb)

    CD1.6 Draft Heads of Terms.pdf(PDF, 172kb)

    CD1.7 LVIA.pdf (PDF, 7.8mb)

    CD1.8 Final Utilities Report and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 42.5mb)

    CD1.9 Design and Access Statement Rev A.pdf (PDF, 10.5mb)

    CD1.10 Site Location Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.2mb)

    CD1.11 Development Framework Plan (Rev P05).pdf (PDF, 3mb)

    CD1.12 Land Use Parameter Plan.pdf (PDF,2.3mb)

    CD1.13 Access Parameter Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.4mb)

    CD1.14 Green Infrastructure Plan.pdf (PDF, 3mb)

    CD1.15 Height Density Parameter Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.3mb)

    CD1.16 Public Open Space Plan.pdf (PDF, 3.1mb)

    CD1.17 FRA and Drainage Strategy with Appendices.pdf (PDF, 17.7mb)

    CD1.18 Commerical Framework Travel Plan.pdf (PDF, 4.6mb)

    CD1.19 Residential Framework Travel Plan.pdf (PDF, 4.6mb)

    CD1.20 Retail Framework Travel Plan.pdf (PDF, 4.4mb)

    CD1.21 Air Quality Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 5mb)

    CD1.22 Agricultural Land Classification and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 1.5mb)

    CD1.23 Arboricultural Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 3.5mb)

    CD1.24 Biodiversity Questionnaire.pdf (PDF, 156kb)

    CD1.25 Statement of Community Involvement and Appendices.pdf (PDF,9.4mb )

    CD1.26 Transport Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 28.5mb)

    CD1.27 Energy Statement and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 1.05mb)

    CD1.28 Geo-Environmental and Geo-Technical Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf (PDF, 20.9mb)

    D1.29 Heritage Impact Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 7.9mb)

    CD1.30 Badger Survey.pdf (PDF, 1.018mb)

    CD1.31 Reptile Survey and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 705kb)

    CD1.32 Breeding Bird Survey and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 1.1mb)

    CD1.33 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 2mb)

    CD1.34 Bat Activity Survey Report and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 7.6mb)

    CD1.35 Biodiversity Net Gain Calculations and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 3.3mb)

    CD1.36 Biodiversity Net Gain Metric.xlsx (PDF, 5.3mb)

    CD1.37 Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 1.87mb)

    CD1.38 Noise Impact Assessment and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 5.3mb)

    CD1.39 Proposed Access to A10 and Luynes Rise Plan.pdf (PDF, 341kb)

    CD1.40 Sustainability Checklist.pdf (PDF, 408kb)


    CD2. Additional or Amended Documents or Plans on which the Council reached its Decision


    CD2.1 Letter in response to Consultee Comments (dated October 2023).pdf (PDF, 5.5mb)

    CD2.2 Development Framework Plan (dated April 2023).pdf (PDF, 4mb)

    CD2.3 Response to Active Travel England (dated September 2023).pdf (PDF, 5.3mb)

    CD2.4 Response to Herts County Council Comments (dated December 2023).pdf (PDF, 6.4mb)

    CD2.5 Response to Active Travel England 2 (dated December 2023).pdf (PDF, 5.1mb)

    CD2.6 Flood Risk Addendum Report (dated November 2023).pdf (PDF, 6.3mb)

    CD2.7 RPS Response to East Herts - Acoustics (dated December 2023).pdf(PDF, 194kb)

    CD2.8 Visibilty Analysis (dated June 2023).pdf (PDF, 494kb)

    CD2.9 Response to Conservation and Urban Design Officer (dated November 2023).pdf (PDF, 237kb)


    CD3: Committee Report and Decision Notice


    CD3.1 Decision Notice (February 2024).pdf(PDF, 205KB)

    CD3.2 Officer's Report (February 2024).pdf(PDF, 239KB)

    CD3.3 3_22_1551_FUL - Decision Notice (November 2022).pdf(PDF, 203KB)


    CD4: The Development Plan


    CD4.1 The East Herts District Plan (October 2018).pdf (PDF, 4,5mb)

    CD4.1.1 Local Plan Development Strategy - in Chapter 3.pdf (PDF, 184kb)

    CD4.1.2 Local Plan Inspector's Final Report.pdf (PDF, 258kb)

    CD4.3 The Buntingford Community Area Neighbourhood Plan (2017).pdf (PDF, 6.3mb)


    CD5. Other Material Considerations


    CD5.1 National Planning Policy Framework (

    CD5.2 Planning practice guidance - GOV.UK (

    CD5.3 EHDC 5YHLS Position Statement (March 2024).pdf(PDF, 4.2mb)

    CD5.4 EHDC 5YHLS Position Statement Addendum (April 2024).pdf(PDF, 102kb)

    CD5.5 EHDC SLAA (March 2017).pdf(PDF, 5.3mb)

    CD5.6 EHDC Updated Vehicle Parking Standards.pdf(PDF, 378kb)

    CD 5.7 HCC Guide to Development Infrastructure Contributions (2021).pdf(PDF, 633kb)

    CD 5.7.1 Technical Appendix 3 Education (Mainstream Schools).pdf(PDF, 159kb)

    CD 5.8 Secuing Developer Contributions for Education (August 2023).pdf(PDF,374kb)

    CD5.9 Pupil Yield Survey.pdf(PDF, 1.7mb)

    CD5.10 Buntingford Settlement Appraisal.pdf(PDF, 356kb)

    CD5.12 Demographic Model 2021.pdf(PDF, 1.4mb)



    CD6. Emerging Development Plan


    CD6.1 East Herts Council Report - Meeting of the Executive 3rd October 2023.pdf(PDF, 514kb)

    CD6.2 Full Council Meeting 18th October 2023 - Report.pdf(PDF, 54mb)

    CD6.2.1 Full Council Meeting 18th October 2023 - Minutes.pdf(PDF, 288kb)


    CD7. Relevant Appeal Decisions


    CD7.1 APP_A0665_A_14_2226994 - Land at Fountain Lane, Davenham.pdf(PDF, 292kb)

    CD7.2 APP_B2002_W_22_3311282 - Land to the West of 30 and 31 Torbay Drive.pdf(PDF, 219kb)

    CD7.3 AP_N2345_2_21_3276293 - Land North of Jepps Lane.pdf(PDF, 237kb)

    CD7.4 SoS Decision - Land off Station Road, Long Melford, Suffolk.pdf(PDF, 1mb)

    CD7.5 APP_R0660_A_13_2197532 and APP_R0660_A_13_2197529 - Land of Audlem Road.pdf(PDF, 1.3mb)


    CD8. Relevant Judgements



    CD9. Consultee Responses


    CD9.1 Herts Fire and Rescue (dated 01.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 115kb)

    CD9.2 H&M Wildlife Trust (dated 16.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 3kb)

    CD9.3 Housing Development Unit (dated 22.08.2023).docx(docx, 220kb)

    CD9.4 Active Travel England (dated 22.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 149kb)

    CD9.5 Thames Water (dated 22.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 106kb)

    CD9.6 S106 (East Herts) (dated 22.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 142kb)

    CD9.7 Environmental Agency (dated 22.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 188kb)

    CD9.8 Spatial Planning Unit (dated 23.08.2023).pdf.pdf(PDF, 158kb)

    CD9.9 Affinity Water (dated 23.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 210kb)

    CD9.10 Sport England (dated 01.09.2023).pdf(PDF, 764kb)

    CD9.11 Aspenden Parish Council (dated 05.09.2023).pdf(PDF, 834kb)

    CD9.12 HCC S106 (dated 06.09.2023).pdf(PDF, 95kb)

    CD9.13 Thames Water (dated 11.09.2023).pdf(PDF, 72kb)

    CD9.14 CPRE (dated 22.09.2023).pdf(PDF, 196kb)

    CD9.15 Waste and Recyling (dated 26.09.2023).pdf(PDF, 162kb)

    CD9.16 Buntingford Town Council (dated 10.10.2023).pdf(PDF, 2.3mb)

    CD9.17 LLFA (dated 12.10.2023).pdf(PDF, 63kb)

    CD9.18 Urban Design (dated 18.10.2023).pdf(PDF, 82kb)

    CD9.19 Environmental Health - Noise (dated 26.10.2023).pdf(PDF, 59kb)

    CD9.20 Historic Unit (dated 27.10.2023).pdf(PDF, 174kb)

    CD9.21 Active Travel (dated 07.11.2023).pdf(PDF, 157kb)

    CD9.22 Highways (dated 27.10.2023).pdf(PDF, 2.9mb)

    CD9.23 Landscape (dated 02.11.2023).pdf(PDF, 47kb)

    CD9.24 Environmental Health - Air Quality (dated 06.01.2022).pdf(PDF, 34kb)

    CD9.25 Active Travel England Response to Application (dated 30.01.2024).pdf(PDF, 99kb)

    CD9.26 Planning Policy Observations (dated 03.01.2024).pdf(PDF, 77kb)

    CD9.26.1 Settlement Appraisal.pdf(PDF, 347kb)

    CD9.27 NHS (dated 29.01.2024).pdf(PDF, 800kb)

    CD9.28 Environmental Health - Noise (dated 05.02.2024).pdf(PDF, 100kb)

    CD9.29 Highways (dated 30.01.2024).pdf(PDF, 907kb)

    CD9.30 HCC Growth and Infrastructure Unit (dated 05.02.20234).pdf(PDF, 182kb)

    CD9.31 HCC Ecology (dated 07.02.2024).pdf(PDF, 175kb)

    CD9.32 East of England Ambulance Service (dated 05.12.2023).pdf(PDF, 434kb)

    CD9.33 Councillor Nicholls (dated 28.08.2023).pdf(PDF, 179kb)

    CD9.34 Environmental Health - Contamination (dated 01.01.2024).pdf(PDF, 34kb)

    CD9.35 LLFA (dated 08.02.2024).pdf(PDF, 168kb)


    CD10. Appelant's Appeal Documents


    CD10.1 Appellant's Statement of Case.pdf(PDF, 718kb)

    CD10.1.1 Appendix 1 - Decision Notice (November 2022).pdf(PDF, 246kb)

    CD10.1.2 - Appendix 2 - Decision Notice (Feburary 2024).pdf(PDF, 250kb)

    CD10.1.3 Appendix 3 - Officer's Report (Feburary 2024).pdf(PDF, 311kb)

    CD10.2 H Albans Planning Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 956kb)

    CD10.2.1 H Albans Planning Proof of Evidence Summary.pdf(PDF, 588kb)

    CD10.3 R Bolton Affordable Housing and Self-Build Housing PoE.pdf(PDF, 1.4mb)

    CD10.3.1 R Bolton Affordable Housing and Self-Build Housing PoE Summary.pdf(PDF, 607kb)

    CD10.4 R Bolton Five Year Housing Land Supply PoE.pdf(PDF, 1.4mb)

    CD10.4.1 R Bolton Five Year Housing Land Supply PoE Summary.pdf(PDF, 595kb)

    CD10.4.2 Appendix 1 - Tables on 5YHLS in EHDC.pdf(PDF, 878kb)

    CD10.5 A Williams Urban Design Proof of Evidence and Summary.pdf(PDF, 1.6mb)

    CD10.5.1 Appendices A-C.pdf(PDF, 14.7mb)

    CD10.6 J Etchells Landscape Proof of Evidence and Summary.pdf(PDF, 980kb)

    CD10.6.1 Appendices A-E.pdf(PDF, 12.8mb)

    CD10.7 M Ahmet Transport and Highways PoE and Summary.pdf(PDF, 1.39mb)

    CD10.7.1 Appendix A - Local Highway Network.pdf(PDF, 1.5mb)

    CD10.7.2 Appendix B - Consultation Response - HCC.pdf(PDF, 965kb)

    CD10.7.3 Appendix C - Consultation Response - Active Travel England.pdf(PDF, 152kb)

    CD10.7.4 Appendix D - Walking Isochrome.pdf(PDF, 2.1mb)

    CD10.7.5 Appendix E - Cycling Isochrome.pdf(PDF, 4mb)

    CD10.7.6 Appendix F - Distances to key Locations Map.pdf(PDF, 11mb)

    CD10.8 HK EFM Proof of Evidence and Summary.pdf(PDF, 1.1mb)

    CD10.8.1 Appendix 1 - HCC Position Report.pdf(PDF, 328kb)

    CD10.9 J Etchells Landscape and Visual Rebuttal Statement.pdf(PDF, 856kb)

    CD10.10 H Knowler Education Rebuttal Statement.pdf(PDF, 1.6mb)

    CD10.11 RG Bolton Housing & 5YHLS Rebuttal Statement.pdf(PDF, 726kb)


    CD11. East Herts District Council's Appeal Documents


    CD11.1 LPA Statement of Case.pdf(PDF, 143kb)

    CCD11.2 V Hester Proof of Evidence (Planning).pdf(PDF, 345kb)

    CD11.2.1 V Hester Proof of Evidence Summary.pdf(PDF, 167kb)

    CD11.3 J Lee Proof of Evidence (5YHLS).pdf(PDF, 476kb)

    CD11.4 Housing Statement for Round Table Discussion.pdf(PDF, 590kb)

    CD11.4.1 Appendix 1 - Sites in 5HYLS.pdf(PDF, 250kb)

    CD11.5 R Browne Proof of Evidence (Landscape).pdf(PDF, 359kb)

    CD11.5.1 R Browne Proof of Evidence Summary.pdf(PDF, 232kb)

    CD11.6 V Hester Rebuttal Statement (Planning).pdf(PDF, 127kb)

    CD11.7 CIL Statement - Final(PDF, 191kb)


    CD12. Herts County Council Appeal Documents


    CD12.1 CIL Statement.pdf(PDF, 836kb)

    CD12.1.1 A. HCC Guide to Developer Infrastructure Contributions.pdf(PDF, 633kb)

    CD12.1.2 B. HCC Cabinet Meeting Minutes - July 2021.pdf(PDF, 517kb)

    CD12.1.3 C. EHDC Delegated Officer's Report.pdf(PDF, 239kb)

    CD12.1.4 D. HCC Response to application 3_23_1447_OUT.pdf(PDF, 95kb)

    CD12.1.5 E. Updated HCC Response to application 3_21_1447_OUT.pdf(PDF, 182kb)

    CD12.1.6 F. HCC Guide to the Hertfordshire Demographic Model.pdf(PDF, 633kb)

    CD12.1.7 G. HCC Pupil Yield Survey.pdf(PDF, 2.3mb)

    CD12.1.8 H. Securing Developer Contributions for Education.pdf(PDF, 235kb)

    CCD12.1.9 I. Estimating pupil yield from housing development.pdf(PDF, 209kb)

    CD12.1.10 J. Local Authority School Places Scorecard Costs.pdf(PDF, 107kb)

    CD12.1.11 K. Basic Need Allocation 2023-24 and 2024-25.pdf(PDF, 163kb)

    CD12.1.12 L. Technical appendix 3 - Education (Mainstream Schools).pdf(PDF, 177kb)

    CD12.1.13 M. Appeal Decision for Lytton Way, Stevenage.pdf(PDF, 315kb)

    CD12.1.14 N. Buntingford pupil planning areas.pdf(PDF, 3.5mb)

    CD12.1.15 O. SEND Special School Place Planning Strategy.pdf(PDF, 4.1mb)

    CD12.1.16 P. Technical Appendix 4 - Education (Specialist Provision).pdf(PDF, 1.1mb)

    CD12.1.17 Q. Technical Appendix 2 - Education (Early Years).pdf(PDF, 171kb)

    CD12.1.18 R. Technical Appendix 5 -Youth Connections.pdf(PDF, 124kb)

    CD12.1.19 S. Inspiring Libraries - My Place 2022-2032.pdf(PDF, 8.4mb)

    CD12.1.20 T.Libraries and the cost of living crisis–Briefing Note.pdf(PDF, 5.4mb)

    CD12.1.21 U. Technical Appendix 6 - Libraries.pdf(PDF, 145kb)

    CD12.1.22 V. Technical Appendix 8 - Fire and Rescue Service.pdf(PDF, 222kb)


    CD13. Inspector's Appeal Documents


    CD13.1 Pre-Case Management Conference Note.pdf(PDF, 316kb)

    CD13.2 Case Management Conference Summary Note.pdf(PDF, 235kb)

    CD13.3 3340497 Draft Timetable.pdf(PDF, 486kb)

    CD13.4 Agenda for Housing Land Supply Round Table V2.pdf(PDF, 415kb)


    CD14. Other Appeal Documents


    CD14.1 EHDC Statement of Common Ground and Appendices.pdf(PDF, 10.2MB)

    CD14.2 - HCC Statement of Common Ground (Signed).pdf(PDF, 635kb)

    CD14.3 Housing Supply Statement of Common Ground.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD14.4 Outline Drainage Strategy Addendum (May 2024).pdf(PDF, 10.6Mb)

    CD14.5 Letter from the LLFA (dated 10th May 2024).pdf(PDF, 27kb)


    CD15. Landscape Documents


    CD15.1 Landscape Institute Technical Guidance Note 02.21.pdf.pdf(PDF, 1.3mb)

    CD15.2 Landscape Character Assessment (September 2007).pdf.pdf(PDF, 15.3mb)

    CD15.3 Natural Englands National Character Area NCA 86.pdf(PDF, 7.2mb)


    CD16. Highway Documents


    CD16.1 Herts County Council Local Transport Plan (2018).pdf(PDF, 16.5MB)

    CD16.2 2021 National Travel Survey - Mode Share, Journey Lengths and Public Transport Use.jpg(jpg, 733kb)

    CD16.3 Roads in Hertfordshire - Highway Design Guide.pdf(PDF, 2mb)

    CD16.4 Planning for Walking - CIHT.pdf(PDF, 13.8mb)

    CD16.5 Manual for Streets.pdf(PDF, 4.8mb)


    CD17. Five Year Housing Land Supply Documents


    CD17.1 Social_Housing_and_Englands_Housingbuilding_Recovery page 1 and 4.pdf(PDF, 188kb)

    CD17.2 Caddywell Lane appeal Decision 3238460.pdf(PDF, 510kb)

    CD17.3 Sonning_Common_Appeal_3265861 para 20 & 21.pdf(PDF, 596kb)

    CD17.4 Popes lane Appeal decision - 3216104 Para 23.pdf(PDF, 419kb)

    CD17.5 Cox Green Road Appeal decision 3227970 para 10 to 27.pdf(PDF, 451kb)

    CD17.6 Agenda Document for Executive, 03_10_2023 19_00 Plan Review.pdf(PDF, 1.5Mb)

    CD17.7 Local Development Scheme (LDS) _ East Herts District Council.pdf(PDF, 134kb)

    CD17.8 AMR 2022-23.pdf(PDF, 2.9Mb)

    CD17.9 Bloor Homes EM Ltd v SSCLG [2014] EWHC 754 (Admin); [2017] para 45.pdf(PDF, 435kb)

    CD17.10 Wavendon-Properties-Ltd-v-SSHCLG.pdf(PDF, 2.5Mb)

    CD17.11 Whempstead Road 3303408 3288702 3303413 appeal decisions Para 51.pdf(PDF, 329kb)

    CD17.12 EHDC Five Year Land Supply Position Statement October 2019(PDF, 10.9Mb)

    CD17.13 Whempstead Road 3288595 appeal decision(PDF, 237kb)

    CD17.14 Tewin Hill 3321219 appeal decision para 58.pdf(PDF, 230kb)

    CD17.15 Quinbury Farm Appeal Decision 3291052 and 3317491.pdf(PDF, 367kb)

    CD17.16 Woolpit Appeal Decision 3194926.pdf(PDF, 405kb)

    CD17.17 Post office Lane Appeal decision 3313440 para 37.pdf(PDF, 398kb)

    CD17.18 Combined DL IR R to C_Land off Station Road - Relevant Paragraphs.pdf(PDF, 1.0Mb)

    CD17.19 Gloucester Road Appeal Decision 3189592 para 9.pdf(PDF, 403kb)

    CD17.20 Start to finish housing delivery timings - Lichfields.pdf(PDF, 6.3Mb)

    CD17.21 EHDC Extraordinary Meeting 18.01.24 Item 5.pdf(PDF, 643kb)

    CD17.22 ORL Board Minutes 25 April 2024.pdf(PDF, 50kb)

    CD17.23 HERT3 3.19.0790.OUT.Tarmac Letter s106 Contrabutions.pdf(PDF, 583kb)

    CD17.24 WARE2 3_22_2406_FUL-ECOLOGY.pdf(PDF, 73kb)

    CD17.25 WARE2.3_22_2406_FUL-HERTFORDSHIRE_HIGHWAYS_2_5_23.pdf(PDF, 217kb)

    CD17.26 WARE2 3_22_2406_FUL-LEAD_LOCAL_FLOOD_AUTHORITY_21_3_23.pdf(PDF, 218kb)

    CD17.27 PINSET_MASONS_Objection 3_19_1045_OUT-95Z- Gilston Area.pdf(PDF, 161kb)

    CD17.28 Oving Road Appeal Decision 3165228.pdf(PDF, 368kb)

    CD17.29 Corner Mead Appeal 3241879 Decision.pdf(PDF, 294kb)

    CD17.30 West Essex and East Hertfordshire SHMA 2015.pdf(PDF, 8.9mb)

    CD17.31 West Essex and East Hertfordshire SHMA Update July 2017.pdf(PDF, 1.5mb)

    CD17.32 Affordable Housing Needs Assessment May 2022.pdf(PDF, 1.3mb)

    CD17.33 Committee Report 90790OUT - HERT 3.pdf(PDF, 4.9mb)

    CD17.34 Committee Report 3191045OUT Gilston V 1-6.pdf(PDF, 7.9mb)

    CD17.35 Gilston Area Village 7 AFFORDABLE_HOUSING_POSITION_STATEMENT.pdf(PDF, 234mb)

    CD17.36 GA1 Essex County Council Highways.pdf(PDF, 70kb)

    CD17.37 GA1 Enviroment Agency.pdf(PDF, 228kb)

    CD17.38 GA1 HCC Growth and Infrastructure.pdf(PDF, 680kb)

    CD17.39 AMR 2018-19 and Five Year Land Supply Position Statement.pdf(PDF, 10.9mb)


    CD18.Urban Design Documents


    CD18.1 DRP Report.pdf(PDF, 221kb)

    CD18.2 DRP Submission.pdf(PDF, 10.5mb)


    CD19. Documents Received During the Inquiry


    CD19.1 Hooper S - 1011849 - INTERESTED PARTY.pdf(PDF, 33kb)

    CD19.2 Hooper W - 1011842 - INTERESTED PARTY.pdf(PDF, 34kb)

    CD19.3 Ridge C - 1012963 - INTERESTED PARTY.pdf(PDF, 33kb)

    CD19.4 Sowerby J - 1015111 - INTERESTED PARTY.pdf(PDF, 35kb)

    CD19.5 Thorburn J - 1019510 - INTERESTED PARTY.pdf(PDF, 33kb)

    CD19.6 Buntingford Town Council - Interested Party Statement.pdf(PDF, 913kb)


    CD20. Other Documents


    CD20.1 4th November 2021 - E-mail Correspondence on Pre-Application Request_Redacted.pdf(PDF, 1.8mb)

    CD20.2 21st January 2022 - Email Correspondence from Council on Pre-Application Request_Redacted.pdf(PDF, 1.9mb)

    CD20.3 17.03.22 - Email to EHDC re DRP_Redacted.pdf(PDF, 910kb)

    CD20.4 03.28 H258_9 KP to CB DRP Confirmation_Redacted.pdf(PDF, 1.1mb)

    CD20.5 9th June 2023 - Letter to Richard Freeman.pdf(PDF, 604kb)

    CD20.6 7th November 2023 - Appellant's Meeting Minutes.pdf(PDF, 168kb)

    CD20.7 Sustainability SPD (March 2021).pdf(PDF, 2mb)

    CD20.8 Affordable Housing SPD (May 2020).pdf(PDF, 902kb)

    CD20.9 Open Space, Sport and Recreation SPD.pdf(PDF, 2.7mb)

    CD20.10 Planning Obligations SPD.pdf(PDF, 5.7mb)

    CD20.11 National Design Guide (2021)(PDF, 10.6mb)

    CD20.12 Market Report - Buntingford West Local Centre and Employment site June 2024(PDF, 355kb)

    CD20.13 Market Report - Buntingford West Local Centre and Employment Site May 2022(PDF, 211kb)

    CD20.14 Herts Open Space Contrib Calc locked 030620.xlsx (

    CD20.15 E Herts Built Contrib Calc locked 030620.xlsx (

    CD20.16 Green Belt Statistics 2022-23(PDF, 162kb)

    CD20.17 Letter to the Chief Executive(PDF, 559kb)

    CD20.18 Letter to the Head of Planning(PDF, 630kb)


    15.07.24 - Core Documents List (XLSX, 25KB)