Core Document list for Planning appeal Ref:

YK2758-7PS - Land at Carr Road, Deepcar, Sheffield

DLP Planning Ltd

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Please click on topic to open individual documents:

  • Planning Application Documents
  • Consultee Responses
  • Local Planning Authority Documents
  • National Policy
  • Appeals
  • Appeal Documents
  • Other
  • Inquiry Documents
  • Documents Submitted During The Inquiry

    A. Planning Application Documents

    CD1.1 Site location plan.pdf (PDF, 549KB)

    CD1.2 Proposed Access Arrangement onto Carr Road Ref 3421 SK001 004 Revision B.pdf (PDF, 116KB)

    CD1.3 Illustrative Masterplan december 2020.pdf (PDF, 5.3MB)

    CD1.3a Revised Illustrative Master Plan April 2021.pdf(PDF, 6.6MB)

    CD1.4 Combined parameter plans rev A December 2019.pdf (PDF, 5.7MB)







    CD1.5 Original planning committee report.pdf (PDF, 625KB)

    CD1.6 Framework email.pdf (PDF, 188KB)

    CD1.7 Committee report - 14.7.20.pdf (PDF, 860KB)

    CD1.8 Planning Committee meeting minutes.pdf (PDF, 128KB)

    CD1.9 Decision Notice.pdf(PDF, 84KB)

    CD1.10 Design and Access Statement.pdf (PDF, 4.20MB)

    CD1.11a Landscape and Visual Appraisal.pdf(PDF, 740KB)

    CD1.11b Landscape and Visual Appraisal figures 19.pdf(PDF, 4.30MB)

    CD1.11c 17_04673_OUT-7301_LVIA_FIGS_10-17_LOW_RES_PHOTOS-1173044.pdf(PDF, 3.2MB)

    CD1.12 Heritage Statement.pdf (PDF, 13.2MB)

    CD1.13 Concept Masterplan SK09.pdf(PDF, 3.9MB)

    CD1.15 Heritage Assessment.pdf (PDF, 13.2MB)

    CD1.16 Illustrative Layout SK081168327.pdf (PDF, 3.6MB)

    CD1.17a Ecology Additional Information Document.pdf (PDF, 5.3MB)

    CD1.17b Ecology Additional Information Document Appendix 1 3.pdf(PDF, 4.50MB)

    CD1.17c Ecology Additional Information Document Appendix 4 5.pdf (PDF, 4.3MB)

    CD1.18 Ecological Update & Review.pdf(PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD1.19 Flood risk assessment.pdf (PDF, 8.0MB)

    CD1.20 Additional information form.pdf (PDF, 40KB)

    CD1.21 Air Quality Report.pdf(PDF, 225KB)

    CD1.22 Application form.pdf (PDF, 141KB)

    CD1.23 Transport Assessment.pdf(PDF, 8.6MB)

    CD1.24 Travel Plan.pdf (PDF, 9.4MB)

    CD1.26 Stage 1 GeoEnvironmental Desk Study Report.pdf (PDF, 21.6MB)

    CD1.27 Arborcultral Assessment.pdf(PDF, 4.0MB)

    CD1.28 Planning Statement Dec 2017.pdf (PDF, 1.7MB)

    CD1.29 12.05.CP.YK2758.Updated Planning Statement - December 2018.pdf (PDF, 905KB)

    CD1.30 Statement of Commmunity Involvement.pdf (PDF, 871KB)

    CD1.31 Phase Habitat Survey.pdf (PDF, 1.4MB)

    CD1.32 Response form SoS to Request for a Screening Direction October 2017.pdf(PDF, 160KB)

    CD1.32b EIA Screening Direction Cover Letter.pdf (PDF, 342KB)

    CD1.32b EIA Response from SoS for a Screening Direction Octber 2017 Written Statement.pdf(PDF, 83KB)

    CD1.33 3267168 Negative Screening Direction (Appeal to the Secretary of State).pdf (PDF, 128KB)

    B. Consultee Responses

    CD2.1 SCC EPS 01-18.pdf (PDF, 61KB)

    CD2.2 SCC Air Quality 04-18_Redacted.pdf (PDF, 130KB)

    CD2.3 SCC LLFA 05-18.pdf(PDF, 69KB)

    CD2.4 Coal Authority.pdf (PDF, 115KB)

    CD2.5 Yorkshire Water.pdf(PDF, 408KB)

    CD2.6 SCC South Yorkshire Archaeology 0719.pdf(PDF, 70KB)

    CD2.7a SCC Highways 04-18.pdf(PDF, 72KB)

    CD2.7b SCC Highways 07-19.pdf(PDF, 82KB)

    CD2.8 Natural Englands Comments 30th January 2018.pdf (PDF, 265KB)

    CD2.9 Natural Englands Comments 29th March 2018.pdf (PDF, 125KB)

    CD2.10 Landscape Officer Consultation Response and Email from Applicant providing further information on landscape and visual matters.pdf(PDF, 2.9MB)

    CD2.11 Landscape Officer Consultation Response.pdf(PDF, 41KB)

    CD2.12 SCC Conservation.pdf(PDF, 172KB)

    CD2.13 Stocksbridge Town Council comments.pdf(PDF, 282KB)

    CD2.14 CPRE March 2020.pdf(PDF, 4KB)

    CD2.15 CPRE July 2020.pdf (PDF, 705KB)

    CD2.16 Bio diversity Officer Ecology Unit January 2018.pdf(PDF, 102KB)

    CD2.17 Bio diversity Officer Ecology Unit June 2020 a.pdf(PDF, 204KB)

    CD2.18 Bio diversity Officer Ecology Unit June 2020.pdf(PDF, 95KB)

    CD2.19 Urban Design and Conservation April 2018.pdf(PDF, 159KB)

    CD2.20 Urban Design and Conservation May 2018.pdf (PDF, 1075KB)

    CD2.21 Urban Design and Conservation Feb 2020.pdf (PDF, 897KB)

    CD2.22 Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust Feb 2020.pdf (PDF, 1063KB)



    CD2.25 Carr Road HRA FINAL.pdf (PDF, 1.3KB)

    C. Local Planning Authority Documents

    CD3.1 Sheffield City Council Core Strategy.pdf (PDF, 6.7MB)

    CD3.2a UDP green environmnet policies GE1 to GE15.pdf(PDF, 4.65MB)

    CD3.2b UDP green environmnet policies GE15 to GE29.pdf(PDF, 9.5MB)

    CD3.3a UDP built environment policies BE1 to BE22.pdf (PDF, 14.3MB)

    CD3.3b 07 UDP Housing.pdf(PDF, 13.6MB)

    CD3.4a UDP leisure and recreation policies LR1 to LR11.pdf(PDF, 12MB)

    CD3.4b UDP - Leisure and Recreation (Part 2).pdf(PDF, 12.7MB)

    CD3.5 UDP Map 1 Stocksbridge.pdf(PDF, 8.8MB)

    CD3.5 UDP Proposals Map 1 Stocksbridge.pdf (PDF, 8.8MB)

    CD3.6 Sheffield Plan Issues and Options document.pdf(PDF, 1.8MB)

    CD3.7 5 Year Housing Land Supply Report.pdf (PDF, 825KB)

    CD3.7b Year Housing Land Supply Monitoring Report - March 2020 (1st April 2019 Base date).pdf (PDF, 1MB)

    CD3.8 Sheffield City Council Community Infrastructure Levy and Planning Obligation Supplementary Planning Document.pdf (PDF, 9.5MB)

    CD3.9 Climate Change and Design SPD and Practice Guide.pdf(PDF, 5.1MB)

    CD3.10 SCC Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1.pdf(PDF, 602KB)

    CD3.11 Habitat Regulations Assessment of Citywide Options for Growth to 2034.pdf(PDF, 1.194KB)

    CD3.12 Sheffield and Rotherham SHMA - July 2019.pdf(PDF, 10.1MB)

    CD3.13 Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Report 2020.pdf(PDF, 1.7MB)

    CD3.14 Sheffield Housing and Employment Land Site Schedule 2020 Sep-20.xlsx (XLSX, 317KB)

    CD3.14 HELAA Sites Schedule.xlsx(PDF, 317KB)

    CD3.15 Stocksbridge and Deepcar Housing Market Area Profile 2019.pdf(PDF, 1.9MB)

    CD3.16 HRA Business Plan 20-21.pdf(PDF, 1.4MB)

    CD3.17 HRA Business PLan 19 -20.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD3.18 Extract from Sheffield Green Belt Plan - Inspectors Report.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD3.19 Extract from Sheffield Green Belt Plan.pdf(PDF, 637KB)

    CD3.20 Citywide Options for Growth to 2034 November 2015.pdf(PDF, 5.7MB)

    CD3.21 Local Development Scheme.pdf(PDF, 83KB)

    CD3.22 Issues and Options Sept 2020 Integrated Impact Assessment SA SEA - Scoping Report.pdf(PDF, 9MB)

    CD3.23 CIL & Planning Obligations SPD Clarification of Approach.pdf(PDF, 433KB)

    CD3.24 CIL and Planning Obligations SPD Clarification of Guidelines GAH2 and GAH3.pdf(PDF, 165KB)

    CD3.25 1of2 Housing Strategy 2013-2023.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD3.25 2of2 Housing Strategy Action Plan Update.pdf(PDF, 483KB)

    CD3.26 1of2 Homelessness Prevention Strategy.pdf(PDF, 400KB)

    CD3.26 2of2 Homelessness Prevention Strategy.pdf(PDF, 677KB)

    CD3.27 Corporate Plan 2015-18.pdf(PDF, 5.1MB)

    CD3.28 Sheffield SHMA Report 2013.pdf(PDF, 3.2MB)

    D. National Policy

    CD4.1 National Planning Policy Framework.pdf (PDF, 594KB)

    CD4.2a NPPG Housing and economic needs assessment - GOV.UK.pdf (PDF, 328KB)

    CD4.2b NPPG Housing supply and delivery - GOV.UK.pdf (PDF, 329KB)

    CD4.3a NPPG Housing and economic needs assessment - GOV.UK.pdf (PDF, 328KB)

    CD4.3b NPPG Housing supply and delivery - GOV.UK.pdf (PDF, 329KB)

    CD4.3 Government response to the local housing need proposals in Changes to the current planning system GOV.UK.pdf (PDF, 147KB)

    E. Appeals

    CD5.1 2019 EWHC 2899 Admin James Hall and Company Ltd v City of Bradford MDC.pdf(PDF, 223KB)

    CD5.1 EWHC 2899 Admin James Hall and Company Ltd v City of Bradford MDC.pdf(PDF, 223KB)

    CD5.2 2018 EWCA Civ 1697 Catesby Estates Ltd v Peter Steer 2019 1 P&CR 5 McFarlane Lindblom Asplin LJJ.pdf(PDF, 100KB)

    CD5.3 EWCA 539 Admin Jones and Mordue and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government v South Northamptonshire Council.pdf(PDF, 249KB)

    CD5.4 EWHC 1895 Admin The Forge Field Society and others v Sevenoaks District Council.pdf(PDF, 308KB)

    CD5.5 EWHC 2847 Admin Bedford Borough Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Nuon UK Ltd.pdf(PDF, 62KB)

    CD5.6 2014 EWCA Civ 137.pdf(PDF, 192KB)

    CD5.7b City_and_Country_Bramshill_v_Secretary_of_State__2021__EWCA_Civ_320.pdf(PDF, 560KB)

    CD5.7 EWHC 3437 Admin.pdf(PDF, 736KB)

    CD5.8 3192918 Land At Site Of Former North Worcestershire Golf Club Ltd Hanging Lane Birmingham B31 5LP Inspectors Report and Decision Letter.pdf(PDF, 1.2MB)

    CD5.9 3165974 Longdene House Hedgehog Lane.pdf(PDF, 208KB)

    CD5.10 2212671 Land off Darnhall School Lane Winsford Cheshire.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD5.11 3169314 Land to the east of Newport Road and west and east of Cranfield Road Woburn Sands Buckinghamshire MK17 8UH.pdf(PDF, 913KB)

    CD5.12 3248038 Land off Maldon Road Tiptree Essex.pdf(PDF, 476KB)

    CD5.13 3190821 Entech House London Road Woolmer Green.pdf(PDF, 226KB)

    CD5.14 3194926 Land on East Side of Green Road Woolpit Suffolk.pdf(PDF, 299KB)

    CD5.15 3097721 Land at Stanbury House Basingstoke Road Spencers Wood.pdf(PDF, 260KB)

    CD5.16 3190236 Land at Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YR.pdf(PDF, 201KB)

    CD5.17 3214377 Land off Station oad Long Melford.pdf(PDF, 959KB)

    CD5.18 3189592 Land south of Gloucester Road Thornbury Gloucestershire BS35 1LH.pdf(PDF, 240KB)

    CD5.19 2212671 Land Off Darnhall School Lane Winsford Cheshire Decision Letter and Inspector Report.pdf(PDF, 1.0MB)

    CD5.20 3204360 Kirkby Moor Wind Farm Kirkby Moor and Lowick High Common Grizebeck.pdf(PDF, 533KB)

    CD5.213251121 Land at Brickhill Street South Caldecotte Milton Keynes MK17 9FE.pdf(PDF, 286KB)

    CD5.22 App 2083075 Royd Cottage Garden.pdf(PDF, 1.3MB)

    CD5.22a Royd Cottage Garden Site Plan.pdf(PDF, 134KB)

    CD5.22b Royd Cottage Garden LPA decision Notice.pdf(PDF, 106KB)

    CD5.23 893037P Decision Notice 174886 Land Bounded by Carr Road Hollin Busk Lane and Broomfield Lane Deepcar.pdf(PDF, 157KB)

    CD5.23a 174886 Land Bounded by Carr Road Hollin Busk Lane and Broomfield Lane Deepcar LPA decision notice.pdf(PDF, 618KB)

    CD5.24 2209607 and 318072626 Land to the north and south of Worsley Road and land at Aviary Field Broadoak Worsley Salford.pdf(PDF, 778KB)

    CD5.25 APPA2280W173175461 Land at Town Road Cliffe Woods Kent.pdf(PDF, 521KB)

    CD5.26 APP3169288 Decision dated 05 February 2019 Land to the East of Mere Lane Edenthorpe Doncaster.pdf(PDF, 842KB)

    CD5.27 Newport Road Cranfield Road Woburn-Sands Appeal DL and IR.pdf(PDF, 1.4MB)

    CD5.28 Land at Deerlands Road Wingerworth Ref APPR1038W173192255.pdf(PDF, 639KB)

    CD5.29 Hockley House Hockley Lane Wingerworth 206187.pdf(PDF, 189KB)

    CD5.30 APP.R1038.W.20.3251224 Land South East of Williamthorpe Road and West of Tibshelf Road, Holmewood, Derbyshire.pdf(PDF, 243KB)

    CD5.31 APP.Q3115.W.19.3220425 Land to the east of Reading Road, Lower Shiplake.pdf(PDF, 238KB)

    CD5.32 APP.C1570.W.20.3256109 Land off Isabel Drive and Land off Stansted Road, Elsenham, Essex.pdf(PDF, 236KB)

    CD5.33 APP.P00240.W.17,3190584 Shefford-Road-Meppershall-Shefford-SG17-5LL.pdf(PDF, 231KB)

    CD5.34 Land to the north west of Northmoor View Brimington Chesterfield Derbyshire - 3223162.pdf(PDF, 209KB)

    CD5.35 Land North of Netherhouse Copse, Fleet, (APP.N1730.W.17.3167135) 6th October 2017.pdf(PDF, 236KB)

    CD5.37 Poplar Hill Stowmarket Mid Suffolk 214324.pdf(PDF, 235KB)

    CD5.38 Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, Oxford.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD5.39 Land to the west of Langton Road, Norton (22 July 2016).pdf(PDF, 253KB)

    CD5.40 Park Lane, Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire (6 September 2018).pdf(PDF, 265KB)

    CD5.41 Land at Fountain Lane, Davenham, Cheshire West.pdf(PDF, 233KB)

    CD5.42 Cornerways, High Street, Twyning.pdf(PDF, 349KB)

    CD5.43 APP.J4423.W.20.3258555 Land at Moorthorpe Way, Sheffield S20 6PD.pdf(PDF, 228KB)

    CD5.36 Land West of The Street, Little Clacton (APP.P1560.W.16.3156070) 4th January 2017.pdf(PDF, 185KB)

    F. Appeal Documents

    CD6.1 Email notification of Appeal.pdf (PDF, 774KB)

    CD6.2 Appeallants Statement of Case.pdf (PDF, 806KB)

    CD6.3 Appeallants Draft Stement of Common Ground January 2020.pdf (PDF, 883KB)

    CD6.4 Council's Statement of Case 5.3.21 (Final).pdf (PDF, 254KB)

    CD6.7 SoCG.Planning.Policy.Final (002).pdf(PDF, 405KB)

    CD6.8 Landscape and Visual SoCG FINAL.pdf(PDF, 2.4MB)

    CD6.9 SoCG Heritage.pdf(PDF, 1.9MB)

    CD6.11 SoCG Ecology.pdf(PDF, 180KB)

    CD6.10 SoCG Highways.pdf (PDF, 3.9MB)

    CD6.11 Ecology SoCG Final 20.05.21signed CS.pdf (PDF, 180KB)

    CD6.12 SoCG Flood Risk and DrainageSigned.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

    CD6.13 CIL Compliance Statement (revised) 28-6-21.pdf (PDF, 218KB)

    CD6.14 SoCG 5yrhls.pdf (PDF, 877KB)

    CD6.14a 5yrhLS PoE FINAL.pdf(PDF, 1070KB)

    CD6.14a 5yrhLS PoE.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD6.14b 5yrLS PoE Summary.pdf (PDF, 784KB)

    CD6.14c 5yrhLS PoE Appendix 139.pdf(PDF, 62MB)

    CD6.15a Planning Policy PoE.pdf(PDF, 2.9MB)

    CD6.15b Planning Policy PoE Appendix 1 Housing delivery Final.pdf(PDF, 788KB)

    CD6.15c Planning Policy PoE Appendix 2 PLanning Permisions on Open Space Areas.pdf(PDF, 165KB)

    CD6.15d Planning Policy Summary PoE.pdf(PDF, 674KB)

    CD6.15d Rebuttal PoE Roland Bolton Planning Policy.pdf(PDF, 429KB)

    CD6.17 Affordable Housing PoE.pdf (PDF, 6MB)

    CD6.17c Rebuttal PoE James Stacey - Affordable Housing.pdf (PDF, 176KB)

    CD6.18 Landscape & Visual PoE.pdf(PDF, 770KB)

    CD6.18a Landscape & Visual PoE Appendix 1 25.05.21.sfs.pdf (PDF, 16.6MB)

    CD6.18b Landscape & Visual PoE Appendix 24 and 7 25.05.21.sfs.pdf(PDF, 2.4MB)

    CD6.18c Landscape & Visual PoE Appendix 5 25.05.21.sfs.pdf(PDF, 16.2MB)

    CD6.18d Landscape & Visual PoE Appendix 6 25.05.21.sfs.pdf (PDF, 9.2MB)

    CD6.18e Landscape & Visual Summary PoE.pdf (PDF, 256KB)

    CD6.18g Rebuttal PoE Brian Denney Landscape and Visual Rebuttal inc Appendices 09.06.21.pdf(PDF, 10.9MB)

    CD6.18f.i 004B.BD. Deepcar PoE Appendix 3 Table A3.1.pdf (PDF, 8.3MB)

    CD6.18fii 004BBD. Deepcar PoE Appendix 3 Table A32.pdf (PDF, 2.9MB)

    CD6.19a Heritage PoE.pdf (PDF, 492KB)

    CD6.19b Heritage PoE Appendix 13.pdf(PDF, 21.3MB)

    CD6.19c Heritage summary PoE.pdf (PDF, 96KB)

    D6.19c REbuttal PoE Rob Bourn - Heritage.pdf(PDF, 2.1MB)

    CD6.20a Highways PoE.pdf (PDF, 8.2MB)

    CD6.20b Highways PoE Summary.pdf (PDF, 106KB)

    CD6.21 [WEBSITE] Ecological PoE Part 1 Main PoE. Figures. Drawings. Appendix 1.pdf (PDF, 9.3KB)

    CD6.21 [WEBSITE] Ecological PoE Part 2. Appendix 2. EcIA. Figure. Drawings.pdf (PDF, 11.3MB)

    CD6.21 [WEBSITE] Ecological PoE Part 3 Appendix 2. Annexes A.D.pdf (PDF, 6.4MB)

    CD6.21 [WEBSITE] Ecological PoE Part 4 Appendix 2. Annexes E.H.pdf (PDF, 8.1MB)

    CD6.21 [WEBSITE] Ecological PoE Part 5 Appendix 2. Annexes I.K. Appendix 3.pdf (PDF, 7.8MB)

    CD6.21a Ecology Summary PoE.pdf (PDF, 91KB)

    CD6.22a Flood Risk & Drainage PoE.pdf (PDF, 9.5KB)

    CD6.22b Flood Risk & Drainage Summary PoE.pdf (PDF, 49KB)

    CD6.23 Email Chain regarding updated changes to Parameter Plans for the appeal.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)


    CD6.25a - 5 YHLS - Proof of Evidence- SCC.pdf (PDF, 225KB)

    CD6.25b - 5YHLS - Summary proof of evidence- SCC.pdf(PDF, 33KB)

    CD6.25c - 5YHLS - Appendix 1-SHMA- SCC.pdf(PDF, 9.5MB)

    CD6.25d - 5YHLS - Appendix 2-2020 - SCC.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD6.25e - 5 YHLS - Appendix 3-HELAA - SCC.pdf (PDF, 4.3MB)

    CD6.26a - Landscape and Visual - Proof of Evidence- SCC.pdf (PDF, 6.3MB)

    CD6.26b - Landscape and Visual - Summary Proof of Evidence- SCC.pdf (PDF, 142KB)

    CD6.27a - Heritage - Proof of Evidence- SCC.pdf (PDF, 2.6MB)

    CD6.27b - Heritage - Summary Proof Of Evidence- SCC.pdf(PDF, 76KB)

    CD6.28a - Planning Proof of Evidence-SCC- Final (ver 4).pdf(PDF, 343KB)

    CD6.28b - Planning - Summary Proof of Evidence- SCC.pdf (PDF, 100KB)

    CD6.29 Rebuttal Policy -Final.pdf (PDF, 156KB)

    CD6.21 Proof of Evidence - Kurt Goodman- Ecology.pdf (PDF, 180KB)

    CD6.23 Email Chain regarding updated changes to Parameter Plans for the appeal.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)

    G. Other


    CD7.0a Access Land at Hunshelf Bank.pdf(PDF, 269KB)

    CD7.0b Access Land at Edgecliff Farm.pdf(PDF, 258KB)

    CD7.1 National Character Area profile 37 Southern Pennine Fringe.pdf (PDF, 4.9MB)

    CD7.2 Sheffield Preliminary Landscape Character Assessment.pdf (PDF, 6.75MB)

    CCD7.2a Final_Report_Sheffield_Character_Zone_Descriptions Extracts.pdf (PDF, 4.6MB)

    CD7.3 Good Practice Advice in Planning The Setting of Heritage Assets Historic England Advice Note 3.pdf (PDF, 329KB)

    CD7.3 Landscape Character Types (Link)

    CD7.4 Peak District Landscape Strategy and Action Plan Dark Peak Yorkshire Fringe.pdf (PDF, 3.6MB)

    CD7.5 GLVIA3 Extracts.sfs-compressed.pdf (PDF, 65.6MB)

    CD7.6 Landscape Institutes (LI) Visual Representation of Development Proposals Technical Guidance Note 06-1917.pdf(PDF, 329KB)


    CD7.7 Good Practice Advice in Planning The Setting of Heritage Assets Historic England Advice Note 3.pdf(PDF, 329KB)

    CD7.8 Statements of Heritage Significance Analysing Significance in Heritage Assets Historic England Advice Note 12.pdf(PDF, 377KB)

    CD7.9 The Conversion of Traditional Farm Buildings.pdf(PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD7.10 Revised_Principles_of_Selection_2018.pdf(PDF, 455KB)

    CD7.11 Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning 3 2nd Edition.pdf(PDF, 329KB)

    CD7.12 Managing Significance in DecisionTaking in the Historic Environment.pdf(PDF, 234KB)

    CD7.13 BSI Guide to the Conservation of Historic Buildings.pdf(PDF, 943KB)

    CD7.14 Agricultural Buildings Listing Selection Guide 2017 Historic England.pdf(PDF, 1.3MB)

      Highways & Drainage:

    CD7.15 CIHT Providing for journeys on foot.pdf(PDF, 105MB)

    CD7.16 DEFRA Sustainable Drainage Systems.pdf(PDF, 47KB)


    CD7.17 1903890FUL Wood Royd Road Committee Report.pdf(PDF, 698KB)

    CD7.18a Royd Cottage Approved plans 99-01313-FUL.pdf(PDF, 2.1MB)

    CD7.18b SoS referral and decision notice 99-01313-FUL.pdf(PDF, 1.8MB)

    CD7.18c Royd Committee report 9901313 FUL.pdf(PDF, 1.3MB)

    CD7.18d Royd Cottage LPA decision 9901313 FUL.pdf(PDF, 817KB)

    CD7.19a 97-0424P- Decision Notice.pdf(PDF, 82KB)

    CD7.19b 97-0424P- Plans.pdf(PDF, 169KB)

    CD7.20a Curtilage Of Royd Cottage, Carr Road, Deepcar Site layout plan (08-02296-OUT).pdf(PDF, 138KB)

    7.2a South Yorkshire Historic Environment Characterisation Project Combined .pdf(PDF, 8.2MB)

    CD7.20b Royd Farm Curtilage 96-1063 Decison.pdf(PDF, 83KB)

    CD7.21 17_01281_FUL.Officers Report Norton Playing Fields.pdf(PDF, 131KB)

    CD7.22 Dental Commissioning Statistics published in 2020.pdf(PDF, 922KB)

    CD7.23 Oversubscribed Schools that have refused admission on grounds of Infant Class Size legislation.pdf(PDF, 56KB)

    CD7.24 Decision Housing Revenue Account HRA Business Plan and Budget 202122.pdf(PDF, 382KB)

    H. Inquiry Documents

    CD8.1a 3267168 - Draft PI Timetable.docx(DOCX, 27KB)

    CD8.1b 3267168 - PI Timetable Final.docx(DOCX, 28KB)

    CD8.2a FoHB Public Inquiry Representation.docx(DOCX, 2.5MB)

    CD8.2b FoHB Objection from Friends of Hollin Busk on the Updated Planning Statement.docx(DOCX, 2.5MB)

    CD8.2c FoHB An Additional Response from Friends of Hollin Busk to Application Hollin Busk 17.docx(DOCX, 23KB)

    CD8.2d FoHB FOHB Safeguarding.docx(DOCX, 757KB)

    CD8.2e FoHB A Response from Friends of Hollin Busk to the Case Officers report on Application Hollin Busk 17.docx(DOCX, 20KB)

    CD8.2f FoHB A Response from Friends of Hollin Busk to new Heritage and Ecology Reports submitted by the applicant on Application Hollin Busk 17.docx(DOCX, 1.7MB)

    CD8.3 Helen Murphy Statement of support opposing the development of Holling Busk.docx(DOCX, 14KB)

    CD8.4 Agreed draft conditions.pdf(DOCX, 165KB)

    CD8.5 P19-2172.002E Draft Site View Plan 15.06.21.pdf(DOCX, 783KB)

    CD8.6 106 Agreement - Holins Busk (FINAL - Engrossment Version) - V2 - C 4126-4146-5648.pdf(DOCX, 875KB)

    CD8.6a 106 Agreement - Holins Busk FINAL - Engrossment Version - V4 - C 4128-6206-4432 v.4 4157-3221-3552.pdf(PDF, 1.32MB)

    CD8.6b 106 Agreement - Holins Busk FINAL - Engrossment Version - V3 4150-8668-0368.pdf(PDF, 875KB)

    CD8.7 3267168 - CMC Summary Note 4139-8832-0045 v.1.pdf(PDF, 181KB)

    CD8.8 Inquiry Notification Letters.pdf(PDF, 7.4MB)

    CD8.9 Hollin Busk Notification Letters.pdf(PDF, 6.7MB)

    CD8.10 Hollin Busk Notification List.xlsx(XLSX, 29KB)

    CD811 Appearance List 4150-3908-4844 FINAL (002) 4142-3287-7360 v.1.docx(DOCX, 23KB)

    CD8.12a Deepcar Heritage RTS Agenda.docx(DOCX, 40KB)

    CD8.12b Deepcar Character and appearance RTS Agenda.docx(DOCX, 40KB)

    CD8.12c Deepcar HLS RTS Agenda.docx(DOCX, 40KB)

    I. Documents Submitted During The Inquiry

    ID1 Appeallants Opening Statement - Deepcar - Hallam.docx(DOCX, 39KB)

    ID2 Sheffield City Council HollinBusk Opening.docx(DOCX, 35KB)

    ID2 Sheffield City Council HollinBusk Opening.docx(DOCX, 35KB)

    ID3 CPRE statement to Hollin Busk inquiry APP_J4423_W_21_3267168.pdf(PDF, 158KB)

    ID4.Inquiry.Note. Agreed Plans.docx(DOCX, 24KB)

    ID5 Email from Jeanette Mills (redacted).pdf(PDF, 137KB)

    ID6 Jeanette Mills HB Presentation.pdf(PDF, 122KB)

    ID7 PPG2018 Previous Guidance on student.docx(DOCX, 14KB)

    ID8 Mr Stacey's Tables 6.1 and 6.2.docx(DOCX, 33KB)

    ID9 SCC report additional options for hollin busk.pdf(PDF, 1.2MB)

    ID10 SCC Minutes of Niorth Area Panel 20 MARCH 2007.doc(DOCX, 107KB)

    ID15 Elaine Smith Public Inquiry 2021.docx(DOCX, 24KB)

    ID16 Peter Morgan resentation to the Planning Inspector.docx(DOCX, 21KB)

    ID17 Dennis Pindar Hollin Busk Draft (3).docx(DOCX, 17KB)

    ID18 Sheffield City Council HollinBusk Closing Submissions.pdf(PDF, 253KB)

    ID19 Closing Statement - Deepcar - Appeallants Hallam Land Management.pdf(PDF, 260KB)

    ID20 Wavendon Properties v SSHCLG v MKC 2019 EWHC 1524 (Admin).pdf(PDF, 459KB)


    Core Documents List (XLSX, 29KB)