Core Document list for Planning appeal Ref:

3258555 - Land at Moorthorpe Way, Sheffield

DLP Planning Ltd

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Please click on topic to open individual documents:

  • Planning Application Documents
  • Supporting Application Documents
  • Superseded Documents
  • Appeal Documents
  • Local Policy and Supplimentary Planning Documents
  • Inquiry Documents

    A. Planning Application Documents

    Scheme B - Consequential changes as a result of changes to northern plots, redistribution of affordable housing and updated site survey information


    CD1.1 - 26.11.20 - Site Location Plan - n1276_001D - Site Location Plan.pdf (PDF, 260kb)

    CD1.2.B - n1276_009-01A Presentation Layout.pdf (PDF, 4.05MB)

    CD1.3.B - December 2020 - Planning Layout - n1276_008-01- Planning Layout 2020 12 09.pdf (PDF, 601kb)

    CD1.5 - December 2020 - n1276_010B - Street Scenes Elevation.pdf (PDF, 1.8MB)

    CD1.6.B - December 2020 - n1276_201-01A Scheme B Site Sections 1of2.pdf (PDF, 402KB)

    CD1.6.B.1 - December 2020 - n1276_202-01A Scheme B Site Sections 2of2.pdf (PDF, 417KB)

    CD1.7.B - December 2020 - Materials Plan - n1276_107_01 Materials Plan.pdf(PDF, 682KB)

    CD1.8.B - December 2020 - Boundary Treatment Plan - n1276_106_01 Boundary Treatment Plan.pdf (PDF, 683KB)

    CD1.9.B - December 2020 - Proposed FFLs - n1276_108_01 Proposed FFLs.pdf (PDF, 683KB)

    CD1.10.B - December 2020 -Tree Protection Plan.pdf(PDF, 810KB)

    CD1.11 - Post submission 6.12.19 - Boundary Timber Knee Rail - SD 12- 022 - 0.3m Timber Knee Rail.pdf(PDF, 158KB)

    CD1.12 - Post submission 6.12.19 - Boundary 1.8m High Brick Wall - SD 12- 024 - 1.8m High Brick Wall.pdf (PDF, 175KB)

    CD1.13 - Post submission 29.5.20 - LEAP Plan - 3573-1G-leap-A1-200 submitted 29.5.20.pdf (PDF, 399kb)

    CD1.14.B - December 2020 - Detailed Landscape Proposals - Scheme B (1 of 2) 3573/5 (PDF, 1.1Mb)

    CD1.15.B - December 2020 - Detailed Landscape Proposals - Scheme B (2 of 2) 35736.pdf (PDF, 1.55Mb)

    CD1.16.A - December 2020 - Landscape Proposals - Detention Basin 35734 Rev E.pdf(PDF, 297KB)

    CD1.17 - Post submission 6.12.19 - Boundary Screen Fence - SD 12- 025 - 1.8m Screen Fence.pdf(PDF, 180KB)

    CD1.18 - P2741-06-01 Rev G - External Levels Sheet 1 of 3.pdf (PDF, 567KB)

    CD1.19 - P2741-06-02 Rev F - External Levels Sheet 2 of 3.pdf (PDF, 747KB)

    CD1.20 - P2741-06-03 Rev H - External Levels Sheet 3 of 3.pdf(PDF, 715KB)

    CD1.22.B - P2741-01-03 Rev A Proposed Drainage Layout (Option B).pdf (PDF, 1.4MB)

    CD1.23 - Post submission 13.5.20 - Proposed Basin Strategy - P2741-01-02 Rev G - Proposed Basin Strategy.pdf(PDF, 595KB)

    CD1.24 - Post submission 13.5.20 - Proposed Basin Headwall Details - P2741-09-08 Rev A Proposed Basin Headwall Details.pdf (PDF, 333KB)

    CD1.25 - Post submission 7.5.20 - Drainage MH Flow Control Details - P2741-09-07 Rev A MH S21 Flow Control.pdf (PDF, 275KB)

    CD1.26 - Post submission 7.5.20 - Drainage MH Standards Details 1 - P2741-10-01 Rev A MH Standard Details 1 of 2.pdf (PDF, 1.7MB)

    CD1.27 - Post submission 7.5.20 - Drainage MH Standards Details 2 - P2741-10-02 Rev A MH Standard Details 2 of 2.pdf (PDF, 287KB)

    CD1.28 - Post submission 11.2.20 - Gabion Basket.jpg (JPG, 1.3MB)

    CD1.29 - Post submission 6.12.19 - House Types - n1276_100A - House Type Pack.pdf(PDF, 5.0MB)


    B. Supporting Application Documents

    Planning Application Form

    CD2.1 - Application Form (August 2019).pdf (PDF, 179KB)

    CD2.2 - App submission 23.8.19 - Residential Dwelling Units Supplementary - residential-dwelling-units_supplementary-information-template.pdf (PDF, 469KB)


    CD2.3 - App submission 23.8.19 - Preliminary Ecology Appraisal - Land off Moorthorpe Way Preliminary Ecological Appraisal 230819.pdf (PDF, 3.1MB)

    CD2.4 - Post submission 21.10.19 - Ecological Impact Assessment Addendum - EcIA Addendum - Owlthorpe 041019.pdf (PDF, 4.0MB)

    CD2.5 - Post submission 6.12.20 - Ecological Impact Asssessment 2019 2.pdf(PDF, 5.6MB)

    CD2.6 - Post submission 11.2.20 - Local Wildlife Sites Plan - Owlthorpe LWS.PNG (PNG, 1.0MB)

    CD2.7 - Post submission 30.4.20 - Environment Bank Biodiversity Contribution Quote - EB03204-C1-RevA - Biodiversity quote.pdf (PDF, 213KB)

    CD2.8 - Post submission 22.5.20 - Ecological Management Plan - Owlthorpe revised 210520b.pdf (PDF, 5.3KB)


    CD2.9B - December 2020 - Arboricultural Impact Assessment_MT_20201210.pdf(PDF, 2.9MB)

    CD2.10.A - December 2020 - Arboricultural Survey_MT_20201210.pdf (PDF, 3.3MB)

    CD2.12.A - Tree Constraints Plan_050_BWB_tcp_6_aaa_FINAL.pdf (PDF, 1.6MB)

    CD2.12.A.2 Woodland Buffer 15m from Tree Stem.pdf (PDF, 771KB)

    CD2.12.A.1 Woodland Buffer 15m LWS.pdf (PDF, 765KB)

    CD2.12.A.3 Woodland Buffer 15m from Existing Fence.pdf (PDF, 768KB)

    CD2.13- Post submission 14.2.20 - Arboricultural Statement Response - Owlthorpe 120220 b.pdf (PDF, 103KB)


    CD2.14 - Post submission 25.11.19 - Bus Loop Swept Paths - OWL-BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-113-Swept Paths.pdf (PDF, 239KB)

    CD2.15 - Post submission 20.12.19 - Transport Assessment - OWL-BWB-GEN-XX-RP-TR-001_Transport Assessment_S2_P3.pdf (PDF, 9.6MB)

    CD2.16 - Post submission 30.4.20 - Swept Paths Plan - OWL-BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-115-Swept Paths.pdf (PDF, 247KB)

    CD2.17- Post submission 23.2.20 - Bridleway Realignment S247 Plan 1 - Moorthorpe Way development Section 247 plan.pdf (PDF, 2.9MB)

    CD2.18 - Post submission 23.2.20 - Bridleway Realignment S247 Plan 2 - Moorthorpe Way development Section 247 plan1.pdf (PDF, 1.4MB)

    CD2.19 - Post submission 30.4.20 - S278 Works Plan - P2741-05 Rev B S278 Works.pdf (PDF, 1.5MB)

    CD2.20 - Post submission 13.5.20 - Travel Plan - Owlthorpe Travel Plan Revised 130520.pdf (PDF, 5.6MB)


    CD2.21 - Post submission 6.12.19 -Design and Access Statement - n1276 DAS.pdf(PDF, 9.0MB)

    CD2.22 - Post submission 24.1.20 - Visual - 01-05_cam01_option02_owlthorpe_central.jpg(PDF, 5.7MB)


    CD2.23- Post submission 18.10.19 - Noise Impact Assessment Addendum - LDP2266 Owlthorpe_Noise_Addendum_071019.pdf(PDF, 330KB)

    CD2.24- Post submission 6.12.19 - Noise Assessment - Land off Moorthorpe Way, Mosborough - Noise Assessment 021219.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)

    Air Quality

    CD2.25- Post submission 13.5.20 - Air Quality Assessment - Owlthorpe Air Quality Assesssment Revised 130520.pdf(PDF, 5.4MB)

    Site Investigation

    CD2.26 - App submission 23.8.19 - Geoenvironmental Appraisal _ Site Investigation - 2014-03-24-Owlthorpe-final-si-report-Lithos-1792-2.pdf(PDF, 9.4MB)

    CD2.27 - App submission 23.8.19 - Coal Mining Report - Mining Report 8718.pdf(PDF, 233KB)

    CD2.28 - Post submission 30.4.20 - Gas Risk Assessment Letter - 023 Let to Kier (Gas Risk Assess) - 06 06 14.pdf(PDF, 1.4MB)

    Flood Risk

    CD2.29 - App submission 23.8.19 - Flood Risk Assessment - P2741 FRA Avant Homes Mosborough.pdf(PDF, 14.0MB)


    CD2.30 - Post submission 6.12.19 - Energy Report - 007780 - Energy Report.pdf(PDF, 2.9MB)

    CD2.31 - Post submission 30.4.20 - Photovoltaic Information - Photovoltaic report.pdf(PDF, 971KB)


    CD2.32 - App submission 2.9.19 - CIL Information - cil_questions.pdf(PDF, 384KB)

    CD2.33 - Post submission 7.10.19 - CIL Assumption of Liability Completed Form - CIL.pdf(PDF, 231KB)


    CD2.34 App submission 2.9.19 - Planning Statement - 05.21.LOU.YK6183. Planning Statement Final.pdf(PDF, 1057MB)

    CD2.35 - App submission 30.8.19 - Statement of Community Involvement - 06.20.LOU.YK6183.SCI Final.pdf(PDF, 1.9MB)


    CD2.36 - Post submission 30.1.20 - Heritage Assessment - Land off Moorthorpe Way, Sheffield Hertiage Assessment December 2019.pdf(PDF, 12.4MB)

    Decision Note

    CD2.37 - Decision notice June 2020.pdf(PDF, 90KB)

    Council Documents

    CD2.38 - June 2020 - Application No. 1903143FUL - Committee report.pdf(PDF, 551KB)

    CD2.39 - June 2020 - Supplementary Changes at committee Q24d.pdf(PDF, 216KB)

    Topographical Survey 

    CD2.40 - December 2020 - Topographical Survey -OWL-BWB-00-ZZ-DR-G-0001-Existing Site Plan-S2-P2.pdf(PDF, 828KB)


    C: Superseded Documents


    CD3.1 - Post submission 26.5.20 - Site Location Plan - n1276_001C - Site Location Plan - submitted 26.5.20.pdf(PDF, 192KB)

    CD3.2 - Post submission 30.4.20 - Presentation Layout - n1276_009D Presentation Layout.pdf(PDF, 4.3MB)


    D: Appeal Documents


    CD4.1 - Appellant Statement of Case - 08.28.CP.YK6183-1.Statement of Case FINAL.pdf (PDF, 733KB)

    CD4.2 - Statement of Common Ground - 11.10.20.Yk6183-1.Owlthorpe SofCG-Final V2.pdf (PDF, 10.4MB)

    CD4.2.1 SofCG V2 FINAL.pdf (PDF, 723KB)

    CD4.2.2 Appendix 3 Local Wildlife Site Plan.pdf(PDF, 651KB)

    CD4.2.3 Appendix 3b Local Wildlife Site Plan.pdf (PDF, 1.5MB)

    CD4.2.4 Appendix 4 Open Space Provision.pdf (PDF, 2MB)

    CD4.2.5 Appendix 5 Feasibility Layout.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

    CD4.2.6 Appendix 6 Masterplan.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD4.3 - Owlthorpe106 Dov 29.12.20 (SL).docx (PDF, 63KB)

    CD4.3.1 - Official Copy (Register) - SYK160571 (1).pdf (PDF, 86KB)

    CD4.4 - Rule 6 Statement of Case - OAG Statement of Case 2.3_FINAL_111120.pdf (PDF, 454KB)

    CD4.5 - LPA Statement of Case - Statement of Case on behalf of the Local Planning Authority final version.docx (DOCX, 55KB)

    CD4.6. October 2020 -Appeal Questionaire -Owlthorpe Online Planning Appeal Questionnaire - Written Reps - Planning Listed Building Consent ver2.docx (PDF, 163KB)

    CD4.7 - November 2020 - CMC Summary Note - Post-CMC Summary - 3258555.docx (PDF, 60KB)

    CD4.8 Ecology/Environment - Evidence for this appeal

    Appellants Evidence

    CD4.8.1 Proof of Evidence Ecology AB.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)

    CD4.8.1.1 Proof of Evidence Ecology Summary AB.pdf (PDF, 743KB)

    CD4.8.1.2 AB Appendix 1 Aerial Photographs.pdf (PDF, 8.4MB)

    CD4.8.1.3 AB Appendix 2 LWS citation, plan.pdf (PDF, .39MB)

    CD4.8.1.4 AB Appendix 3 CIEEM guidance.pdf (PDF, 9.7MB)

    CD4.8.1.5 AB Appendix 4 BNG Management Brief.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

    CD4.8.1.6 AB Appendix 5 APP_Y0435_W_20_3251121 decision.pdf (PDF, 927KB)

    CD4.8.1.7 Hedgerow Regulations.pdf (PDF, 374KB)

    CD4.8.1.8 - LPA Response to DLP 24.11.20.docx (PDF, 62KB)

    CD4.8.1.9 Ecology Rebuttal AB.pdf(PDF, 4.8MB)

    OAG (Rule 6) Evidence

    CD4.8.3 Nicola Rivers_Proof of Evidence Rule 6.pdf (PDF, 830KB)

    Appealants Background Documents - Ecology / Environment

    CD4.8.4 - net-gain-ia.pdf (PDF, 652KB)

    No Links

    OAG Background Documents - Ecology / Environment

    CD4.8.5 - P1226 Owlthorpe Fields Preliminary Ecological Appraisal FINAL.pdf (PDF, 14MB)

    CD4.8.6 - Owlthorpe Biodiversity Metric for appendix E of PEA.pdf (PDF, 41KB)

    CD4.8.7 - P1286 Owlthorpe Fields Local Wildlife Site Assessment 1.01 FINAL.pdf (PDF, 1.7MB)

    CD4.8.8 - Appendix 2 - Owlthorpe_Wildscapes_Species_List_LWS_Assessed.xlsx (PDF, 27KB)

    CD4.8.9 - Appendix 3 - Owthorpe _Nature_Counts_Records_LWS_Assessed v4.xlsx (PDF, 131KB)

    CD4.8.10 - Appendix 4 - Owlthorpe_SCC_Records_LWS_Assessed.xlsx (PDF, 22KB)

    CD4.8.11 - Appendix 5 - Owthorpe _BWB_EcIA_SiteE_Assessed.xlsx (PDF, 11KB)

    CD4.8.12 - Appendix 6 - Owlthorpe - Wildscapes+NatureCounts+SCC+BWB data combined.xlsx (PDF, 19KB)

    CD4.8.13 - 201027 Owlthorpe Fields SRWT map.jpg(PDF, 1.2MB)

    CD4.8.14 - 266 Owlthorpe Citation Sheet.doc(PDF,152KB)

    CD4.8.15 - Selection of Sheffield LWS.doc(PDF, 1.2MB)

    CD4.8.16 - Criteria for the selection of Woodland LWS.pdf(PDF, 908KB)

    CD4.8.17 - _Criteria for the selection of Grassland LWS.pdf(PDF, 286KB)

    CD4.8.18 - N Rivers_summary of dates and sources of LWS data.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.8.19 - Natural England standing advice on ancient woodland.pdf(PDF, 2.5MB)

    CD4.8.20 - CIEEM guidelines for accessing and using biodiversity data.pdf(PDF, 13.6MB)

    CD4.8.21 - Rule 6 note on tree measurements_110121.pdf(PDF, 123KB)

    CD4.8.22 - Tree Measurement Appendix 1_110121.pdf(PDF, 5.9MB)

    CD4.8.23 - Tree Measurement Appendix 2_110121.pdf(PDF, 151KB)

    CD4.9 Arboriculture

    Appellants Evidence Arboriculture

    CD4.9.1 Arboriculture_Proof of Evidence MT.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD4.9.1.1 MT Summary_PoE.pdf (PDF, 463KB)

    CD4.9.1.5 MT Appendix 4 Detailed Tree Protection Plan (Attenuation Basin).pdf (PDF, 700KB)

    CD4.9.1.6 MT Appendix 5 Detailed Tree Protection Plan (LEAP).pdf (PDF, 490KB)

    CD4.9.1.7 MT Appendix 6 Site Sections-Northern Boundary.pdf (PDF, 828KB)

    CD4.9.1.8 MT Appendix 7 Detailed Site Sections.pdf (PDF, 523KB)

    CD4.9.1.9 MT Appendix 8 Indicative Landscape Masterplan.pdf (PDF, 925KB)

    CD4.9.1.10 MT Appendix 9 - Helliwell Tree Valuation Assessment.pdf (PDF, 434KB)

    CD4.9.1.11 MT Appendix 10 - BS5837_2012 Cascade chart (002).pdf (PDF, 408KB)

    CD4.9.1.12 MT Appendix 11_Veteran Tree Survey Review.pdf (PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD4.9.1.2 MT Appendix 1 15m Woodland Buffer from Existing Fence (002).pdf (PDF, 767KB)

    CD4.9.1.3 MT Appendix 2 MT Northern Footpath.pdf (PDF, 700KB)

    CD4.9.1.4 MT Appendix 3 Detailed Tree Protection Plan (Northern and Western Boundary.pdf (PDF, 875KB)

    Councils Evidence Arboriculture

    OAG Evidence Arboriculture

    CD4.9.4 - OAG_correspondence_Natural England re ancient woodland_141220.pdf (PDF, 435KB)

    CD4.9.4.1_Ancient Woodland Inventory - Amendment request form FINAL_Ochre Dyke Sheffield.pdf (PDF, 292KB)

    CD4.9.4.2_Ancient Woodland Inventory - Amendment request form FINAL_Hanging Lea Wood Sheffield.pdf (PDF, 251KB)

    CD4.9.4.3_MAP_Local Wildlife Sites.pdf (PDF, 229KB)

    CD4.9.4.4_Woodland Interpretation Board.pdf (PDF, 1,9MB)

    CD4.9.4.5_1790 enclosures map.pdf (PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.9.4.6_Drone Photo_Ochre Dyke.pdf (PDF, 268KB)

    CD4.9.4.7_Drone Photo_Hanging Lea.pdf(PDF, 286KB)

    CD4.9.4.8_Photo species observations.pdf (PDF, 955KB)

    CD4.9.4.9_email correspondence re ancient woodland.pdf (PDF, 454KB)

    CD4.8.4 - net-gain-ia.pdf (PDF, 652KB)

    CD4.10 Planning Evidence for this Appeal

    Appellants Evidence Planning

    CD4.10.1 Planning PoE Final RGB.pdf (PDF, 2.6MB)

    CD4.10.1.1 Planning PoE Summary RGB.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD4.10.1.2 RGB Appendix 1 Housing Supply and Delivery in Sheffield.pdf (PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.10.1.3 RGB Appendix 2 Affordable Housing.pdf (PDF, 2.6MB)

    CD4.10.1.4 Planning Rebuttal RGB.pdf (PDF, 7.2MB)

    Councils Evidence Planning

    CD4.10.2 SCC Amended Proof of Evidence SH.docx (PDF, 71KB)

    CD4.10.2.2 SCC 5 YHLS draft proof of evidence - Owlthorpe.docx (PDF, 52KB)

    CD4.10.2.3 SH Appendix A - photographs.docx (PDF, 3.5mb)

    CD4.10.2.4 SH Appendix B Housing Market Area profiles 2019 - South East.pdf (PDF, 1.9MB)

    CD4.10.2.5 SH Appendix C - Affordable Housing Density.pdf (PDF, 2.4MB)

    CD4.10.2.6 Appendix 1 5yr Housing Monitoring Report March 2020.pdf (PDF, 4.8MB)

    CD4.10.2.8 Appendix 2 5 yr Housing Land Supply 2020.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

    CD4.10.2.9 - 2021 01 07 Rebuttal Laura Stephens FINAL.docx (PDF, 18KB)

    CD4.10.2.10 - Sarah Hull Rebuttal.docx (PDF, 55KB)

    CD4.10.2.1 - Appendix 2 151220.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

    OAG Evidence Planning

    CD4.10.3 OAG Rule 6 Planning PoE AW.pdf(PDF, 10.3MB)

    CD4.10.3.1 Rule 6 Proofs_All Figures.pdf(PDF, 10.3MB)

    Background Documents Planning

    CD4.10.4 - n1171-007_009A Feasibility Layout.pdf (PDF, 2.206MB)

    CD4.10.5 - n1171-006A Masterplan FLAT.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD4.10.6 - Pre -application Advice from SCC - Owlthorpe.docx (DOCX, 52KB)

    CD4.10.7 Pre-app highways comments 12.4.19.msg (MSG, 260KB)

    CD4.10.8- Further highway comments 23.4.19.msg (MSG, 199KB)

    CD4.10.9- n1171-007_009E Feasibility Layout.pdf (PDF, 3.4MB)

    CD4.10.10 - Vogue CGI Example.jpg (JPG, 321KB)

    CD4.10.11- RE 06.11.LOU.HD.YK6183.Design feedback.msg(PDF, 475KB)

    CD4.10.12 - n1276_007_02G Feasibility Layout.pdf (PDF, 3.4KB)

    CD4.10.13 - Pre -application Owlthorpe version 2 HD.docx(DOCX, 348KB)

    CD4.10.14 -Owlthorpe Report Design Brief 2014.pdf (PDF, 57KB)

    CD4.10.15 - Owlthorpe Appendix design brief 2014.pdf(PDF, 183KB)

    CD4.10.16 -Printed minutes Planning and Highways Committee.pdf (PDF, 73KB)

    CD.4.10.17 - Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Report 2020.pdf(PDF, 1.7MB)

    CD4.10.18 - HELAA Sites Schedule (2).xlsx (XLSX, 317KB)

    CD4.10.19 -5 Year Housing Land Supply Monitoring Report - March 2020.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.10.20 - SCR Inward Investment - Owlthorpe Site E, Moorthope Gate - Sheffield - SCR Inward Investment.pdf(RTF, 350KB)

    CD4.10.21 - Moorthorpe sales brochure.pdf(PDF, 668KB)

    CD4.10.22 - 2018 11 15 UDC Comments - Owlthorpe bids - Avant.rtf(RTF, 134KB)

    CD4.10.23 - Sheffield New Homes Delivery Plan.pdf(PDF, 777KB)

    CD4.10.24 - Sheffield and Rotherham SHMA - July 2019.pdf(PDF, 10.1MB)

    CD4.10.25 - SCC Owlthorpe Masterpan consultation.pdf(PDF, 2.1MB)

    CD4.10.26 - Inspectors Report on the Core Strategy.pdf(PDF, 580KB)

    CD4.10.27 - 2019-09-12-Site-D-Sales-Brochure-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 727KB)

    CD4.10.28 - PINS EIA Screening Letter_2017 Regs_v3_3258555.pdf(PDF, 112KB)

    CD4.10.29 - CS Appendix 3 - Part 1 Topic policies.pdf(PDF, 1.09MB)

    CD4.10.30 - CS Appendix 3 - Part 1 Topic policies extract SH3 (CS24).pdf(PDF, 218KB)

    CD4.10.31 - MHCLG-Planning-Consultation.pdf(PDF, 4.1MB)

    CD4.10.32 - Changes_to_the_current_planning_system.pdf(PDF, 513KB)

    CD4.10.33 - Social_Housing_and_Englands_Housingbuilding_Recovery.pdf(PDF, 203KB)

    CD4.10.34 - Prime Minsters Office Press release.pdf(PDF, 908KB)


    CD4.10.36 - Owlthorpe Medical Centre response.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD4.10.37 - Map 7 South East.pdf(PDF, 6.6MB)

    CD4.10.38 - 04. Sustainability Appraisal Report.pdf(PDF, 425KB)

    CD4.10.39 - 23. South East Area Background Report.pdf(PDF, 310KB)

    CD4.10.40 - Sheffield Plan Issues and Options document.pdf(PDF, 1.8MB)

    CD4.10.41 - ECOLOGY_COMMENTS-1652223.tif(PDF, 384KB)

    CD4.10.42 - OAG_letter to DLP_231120.pdf(PDF, 342KB)

    CD4.10.43 - LLFA-1652227.tif(PDF, 640KB)

    CD4.10.44 - SCC response to DLP SoC.docx(DOCX, 64KB)

    CD4.10.45 - MR_JOHN_STONARD-1652197.pdf(PDF, 83KB)

    CD4.10.46 - Sale of Site D Covering Email.pdf(TIFF, 648KB)

    CD4.10.47 - 150327_-_HSR_IA_Final_Web_Version.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.10.48 - Housing_FINAL V2.pdf(PDF, 279KB)

    CD4.10.49 - n1171-007_009A Feasibility Layout.pdf(PDF, 2.2MB)

    CD4.10.50 - n1171-006A Masterplan FLAT.pdf(PDF, 2.3MB)

    CD4.10.51 - LPA Formal Response to DLP 27.10.20.pdf(PDF, 119KB)

    CD4.10.52 - n1276_121 - Urban Design Framework Overlay.pdf(PDF, 1.5MB)

    CD4.10.53 - planning app_00.01355.FUL.pdf(PDF, 21MB)

    CD4.10.54 -00.01355.FUL_appendix A doc 4.pdf(PDF, 406KB)

    CD4.10.55 Planning Layout - n1276_008D Planning Layout 2020 02 24.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.10.56 - Government response to the local housing need proposals in Changes to the current planning system.pdf(PDF, 5.1MB)

    CD4.10.53 - planning app_00.01355.FUL.pdf(PDF, 21MB)

    CD4.10.57 - NPPG Natural Environment.pdf(PDF, 318KB)

    CD4.10.58 - Sheffield and rotherham wildlife trust (1.10.19).pdf(PDF, 2.5MB)

    CD4.10.59 - Wildlife trust comment (12.2.20).pdf(PDF, 3.2MB)

    CD4.10.60 - Sheffield rotherham wildlife trust (12.3.20).pdf(PDF, 779KB)

    CD4.10.61 - CPRE Comments (9.10.19).pdf(PDF, 1.5MB)

    CD4.10.62 - CPRE Comments (13.2.20).pdf(PDF, 914KB)

    CD4.11 Design Evidence for this Appeal

    CD4.11.1 Urban Design Proof of Evidence RW.pdf(PDF, 2.1MB)

    CD4.11.1.1 Design Proof of Evidence Summary RW.pdf(PDF, 177KB)

    CD4.11.1.2 RW Appendices 1- 34.pdf(PDF, 93.7MB)

    CD4.11.1.3 - Appendix 18 - n1276_133C Open Space Provision.pdf(PDF, 2.1MB)

    CD4.11.4 Rebuttal to SCC RW.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.11.5 Rebuttal to OAG RW.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    CD4.12 Highways Evidence for this Appeal

    CD4.12.1 MA Highways PoE.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    CD4.12.2 MA Highways PoE Summary.pdf(PDF, 215KB)

    CD4.12.3 MA Highways PoE Appendices.pdf(PDF, 10.6MB)

    CD4.12.4 - WYG_how-far-do-people-walk (1).pdf(PDF, 308KB)


    E. Local Policy and Supplimentary Planning Documents


    CD5.1 - Extension of Saved Policies Sept 2007.pdf(PDF, 1.6MB)

    CD5.2 - 04 UDP - Green Environment part 1. pdf(PDF, 3.3MB)

    CD5.3 - UDP - Green Environment (part 2).pdf(PDF, 9.5MB)

    CD5.4 - 07 UDP - Housing.pdf(PDF, 13.62MB)

    CD5.5 - 09 UDP - Shopping.pdf(PDF, 13.2MB)

    CD5.6 - 11 UDP - Leisure and Recreation (part 1).pdf(PDF, 12MB)

    CD5.7 - 15 UDP - Transport (Part 2).pdf(PDF, 10.4MB)

    CD5.8 - UDP Map 7 Mosborough.pdf(PDF, 7.3MB)

    CD5.9 - Core Strategy - Chapter 4.pdf(PDF, 1.5MB)

    CD5.10 - Core Strategy - Chapter 8.pdf(PDF, 4.7MB)

    CD5.11 - Core Strategy - Chapter 9.pdf(PDF, 2.5MB)

    CD5.12- Core Strategy - Chapter 10.pdf(PDF, 2.7MB)

    CD5.13- Core Strategy - Chapter 11.pdf(PDF, 2.5MB)

    CD5.14 - Core Strategy - Chapter 12.pdf (PDF, 1.6MB)

    CD5.15 - Key-Diagram--pdf--981-kb-.pdf(PDF, 982KB)

    CD5.16 - CIL Supplementary Planning Document.pdf(PDF, 9.5MB)

    CD5.17 - CIL Charging Schedule.pdf(PDF, 225KB)

    CD5.18 - Climate Change and Design SPD and Practice Guide.pdf(PDF, 5.1MB)

    CD5.19 - Owlthorpe Planning & Design Brief - update November 2017.pdf(PDF, 6.5MB)

    CD5.20 - Owlthorpe Planning Design Brief 2014.pdf(PDF, 8.7MB)

    CD5.21.Core Stratefy Appendix 1.pdf(PDF, 235KB)



    F. Inquiry Documents


    ID1 - Opening Submissions Avant - 12.1.21.pdf(PDF, 151kb)

    ID2 - OAG Opening Statement_final_120121.pdf(PDF, 292kb)

    ID3 - Owlthorpe.Opening.docx(DOCX, 30KB)

    ID4 - Moorthorpe Inquiry Details Notification Letter.pdf(PDF, 190KB)

    ID5 - CPRE SY statement to Owlthorpe inquiry 120121.pdf(PDF, 643KB)

    ID6 - CIEEM Advice-Note.pdf(PDF, 924KB)

    ID7 - Rule 6 note on use of CIEEM guidance_130121.pdf(PDF, 343KB)

    ID8 - BNG Good Practice Principles_extract.pdf(PDF, 3.5MB)

    ID9 - Mr Meredith’s Presentation.pdf(PDF, 271KB)

    ID10 - Clive Betts letter 13.1.21.pdf(PDF, 100KB)

    ID11 - Mr Meridith additional information.pdf(PDF, 208KB)

    ID12 - National Planning Policy Framework.pdf(PDF, 594KB)

    ID13 - Housing Supply Round (002).docx(PDF, 14KB)

    ID14 - South Yorkshire Residential Design Guidance.pdf(PDF, 3.6MB)

    ID15 - Yk6183-1 Owlthorpe SofCG V3 DRAFT CLEAN.docx(DOCX, 1MB)

    ID16 - EO-01 Royston Avenue Sheffield S20 6SG.pdf(PDF, 70KB)

    ID17 - EO-02 Ecological Owlthorpe an environmental approach.pdf(PDF, 467KB)

    ID18 - EO-03 This is an account of one of the victims of the flooding in Fishlake.pdf(PDF, 70KB)

    ID19 - EO-04 River Don Flood Risk at Fishlake.pdf(PDF, 213KB)

    ID20 - EO-05 Flood risk assesment.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    ID21 - EO-06 Height above sea Level and GPS Co-ordinates.pdf(PDF, 120KB)

    ID22 - EO-07 Grazing Project.pdf(PDF, 1.9MB)

    ID23 - EO-08 Owlthorpe Meadows Invertebrate Survey 2010.pdf(PDF, 332KB)

    ID24 - EO-09 Owlthorpe Meadows Invertebrate Survey 2011.pdf(PDF, 278KB)

    ID25 - EO-10 Owlthorpe Meadows Invertebrate Survey 2012 v2.pdf(PDF, 311KB)

    ID26 - EO-11 National Tree Strategy.pdf(PDF, 206KB)

    ID27 - EO-12 Interpretation Board Entrance.pdf(PDF, 7.2MB)

    ID28 - EO-13 stemming-the-flow-trees-in-flood-protection.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

    ID29 - EO-14 Nicola Dempsy sustainability-11-00360-v2.pdf(PDF, 1.3MB)

    ID30 - Eo-15 Nicola Dempsy.pdf(PDF, 192KB)

    ID31 - EO-16 COP26 - GOV.UK.pdf(PDF, 499KB)

    ID32 - EO-17 List of floods in Sheffield.pdf(PDF, 90KB)

    ID33 - Planning Obligations - Owlthorpe.docx(DOCX, 21KB)

    ID34 - n1276_159 Site Visit Plan.pdf(PDF, 1.8MB)

    ID35 - Closing Submissions - Avant 2112021.pdf(PDF, 221KB)

    ID36 - Owlthorpe.closing.docx(PDF, 53KB)

    ID37 - OAG Closing Statement.pdf(PDF, 365KB)


    Core Documents list - updated 22.1.21 .xlsx(XLSX, 50KB)